I am trying to upload a PDF file and keep getting an error message. What am I doing wrong?

I am trying to upload a PDF file and keep getting an error message. What am I doing wrong?

An error message may occur for a number of reasons during an upload but the two most common causes can be easily corrected.

First, check to make sure the PDF file is not too large. Any file larger than 10MB, may be slow to upload and may cause your active session to timeout.

If the file is not too large, the problem likely stems from the file name. To remedy this, try renaming the PDF file; it should have no more than 20 letter and/or numbers and no other characters (please omit things like “&” or “-“).

Once you have renamed the file, log out of your Site Manager and then back in. After you have created a new session, try uploading the newly renamed file.

If this still doesn’t correct the issue, please contact our support team who can troubleshoot the problem and ensure that the file is added to your site in a timely fashion.